Monthly Archive: February 2021

ABB PowerOne Aurora Web Inverter Centraline repair E013 error 0

ABB (Power-One) Aurora web inverter monitor (WIM): repair E013 error – 11

I’d like to monitoring my ABB Aurora inverter. So with an WeMos D1 mini I create a centraline with web interface, notification and other.
The monitoring is necessary to find the problems and thanks to the WIM I can promptly fix the error of the inverter E013.

ABB PowerOne Aurora Web Inverter Centraline 3D printed case 0

ABB Aurora web inverter monitor (WIM): 3D printed case to complete project – 10

I’d like to monitoring my ABB Aurora inverter. So with an WeMos D1 mini I create a centraline with web interface, notification and other.
Now a case where you can insert all the component to complete the work.