Monthly Archive: September 2020

ABB PowerOne Aurora Web Inverter Centraline Debug and notification 0

ABB Aurora web inverter centraline (WIC): debug and notification – 4

I would like to monitor the status of my ABB Aurora inverter (formerly Power One now Fimer). So with a WeMos D1 mini I create a monitoring station with web interface, notifications and more.
Notification is a basic feeature of every monitoring system, here we check how to configure the device to send email with errors.

ABB PowerOne Aurora Web Inverter Centraline Storage devices 0

ABB Aurora Web Inverter Monitor (WIM): Storage devices – 3

I would like to monitor the status of my ABB Aurora inverter (formerly Power One now Fimer). So with a WeMos D1 mini I create a monitoring station with web interface, notifications and more.
Where are we store the data and html page?? In this article the solution.

ABB PowerOne Aurora Web Inverter Centraline Wiring Arduino to RS485 6

ABB Aurora Web Inverter Monitor (WIM): wiring Arduino to RS-485 – 2

I would like to monitor the status of my ABB Aurora inverter (formerly Power One now Fimer). So with a WeMos D1 mini I create a monitoring station with web interface, notifications and more.
Now we are going to wire our Arduino to the Inverter.